A Message from KDIS: Community Association Preparedness During COVID-19

In this time of uncertainty, we at Kevin Davis Insurance Services want you to know that we are here for you and our insureds.  We understand that there is a wealth of information available as it pertains to the COVID-19 pandemic and that your inboxes are probably being inundated with content on this subject.  As industry leaders and experts, we have partnered with some of Travelers’ panel counsel law firms to provide you with content specifically drafted to address the potential exposures Community Associations face during this time.

Attached please find an article written by Florida law firm Cole, Scott & Kissane.  It focuses on the efforts that Community Associations can take during the COVID-19 crisis to protect the interests of their owners and residents.  In addition, click below to learn more about Community Association preparedness written by Texas law firm RMWBH.

Also, many of you are familiar with the Community Associations Institute (CAI). The CAI’s website (www.caionline.org) is another useful resource, as it includes COVID-19 specific content we find to be very pointed and helpful.

As previously shared, business will continue uninterrupted as all our underwriters continue to work remotely.

Finally, should you need to report a Claim on behalf of a Travelers insured, you can do so any time by calling 1.800.252.4633 or visiting www.travelers.com/claims to connect with a dedicated Claim professional.

Kevin Davis Insurance Services as always, is here for you. We sincerely hope that you stay healthy and safe as you are important to us.

Sincerely, Kevin Davis Insurance Services