Halloween Safety Tips for Every HOA

As Halloween approaches faster and faster, excitement is sure to be rising in neighborhoods across the country. For homeowners associations, however, this presents a number of opportunities to get ahead of potential crimes, risks, and liabilities.

Halloween is meant to be fun and festive, but some may take it as a chance to take advantage of unattended homes and disguises in order to commit neighborhood crimes. HOAs can help to encourage accountability and safety by implementing a range of tips to keep everyone safe and happy this Halloween.

Here are some Halloween safety tips for HOAs to look into this season:

Get the Word Out

HOAs can post flyers around the community and double-up by sending community emails out prior to Halloween informing residents to be mindful. From adults to trick-or-treaters to potential strangers, it helps to instill awareness from the start. This can also be an opportunity to remind the community to be more careful while driving or riding bikes through the streets during trick-or-treating hours.

Do a Walk-Thru

A walk-thru or drive-thru around the community can help to locate or recognize any potential hazards. If someone notices a hazard, it’s important to get out on top of it and place warnings signs in these areas to encourage alertness. Things like potholes and sidewalk obstructions should be sought out, for example.

Take Care of Insurance Early

No matter the holiday or season, having HOA insurance installed is key to keeping everything protected and accounted for. HOA crime insurance, for example, can cover losses related to burglary. According to USA Today, Halloween represents a 24-percent spike in burglaries and home invasions, which can include community buildings and premises, such as clubhouses, offices, and community structures.

It’s important for HOAs to keep their properties safe throughout the year, but especially on Halloween, which is overrun by people walking around in the dark while wearing disguises.

Leave a Light On

Suggest that homes in the community leave their lights on while they participate in the holiday. If households are not participating, however, let them know it’s best to leave their lights off so trick-or-treaters know it’s a house that is not giving out candy and can be passed over.

Keep Decorations Safe

Harmful decorations can end up finding their way onto lawns, trees, and front porches to try and spook guests during Halloween. What this does is up the chance of an injury taking place, like someone tripping and falling. It’s important to let homeowners know that while Halloween is a great time to decorate and be as festive as possible, it won’t do anyone any good if someone gets injured.

Install a Neighborhood Watch

It’s important for children trick-or-treaters to be attended to at all times. Adults in the HOA community should accompany children while they’re out. To help combat possible issues, such as fights, bullying, or theft, a neighborhood watch can be organized with members patrolling throughout the evening.

Organize a Halloween Event

Community or neighborhood parties are always a fun way to get a community together and strengthen relationships. They’re also great opportunities for people to get introduced to those who live down the street from them. HOAs can put together a fun Halloween event to kick off the trick-or-treating and include something for everyone, like costume contests, games, crafts, and alternatives to trick-or-treating for children and parents who want to participate in the holiday but might not feel the safest outside.

About Kevin Davis Insurance Services

For over 35 years, Kevin Davis Insurance Services has built an impressive reputation as a strong wholesale broker offering insurance products for the community association industry. Our president Kevin Davis and his team take pride in offering committed services to the community association market and providing them with unparalleled access to high-quality coverage, competitive premiums, superior markets, and detailed customer service. To learn more about the coverage we offer, contact us toll-free at (877) 807-8708 to speak with one of our representatives.